Author Bio:

Jennifer McGregor is a pre-med student who always dreamed of becoming a doctor someday. She and a friend created in the hopes of providing universal access to trustworthy health and medical resources. When she isn’t working on the site, you might find her surrounded by books at the campus library or enjoying some downtime with her dog at a local park.

4 Lifestyle Changes That Will Improve Brain Health
It’s safe to say the brain is one tough cookie. Since we count on it to make our every waking decision, it’s always running and almost always does its job well. But there’s always room for improvement. Making a few small changes can have you harnessing the power of your brain in no time.
1. Prioritize Nutrition
It’s not just your body that benefits from a healthy diet–proper nutrition alone can work wonders to boost your brainpower.
A diet based on whole grains, nuts, fruits, veggies, and the right kind of fats will have your brain closer to its full potential with each passing day.
The best way to improve your diet is by making small, gradual changes. Building sustainable habits over time is the key to success when it comes to prioritizing health and nutrition.
2. Manage Stress
One key part of managing stress involves minimizing the sources of stress in your life wherever possible. Tidying up your home, tying up lose ends, solving any long-standing problems in your life, and distancing yourself from stressful people are all ways to accomplish this.
Another big part of it is making time for relaxation. Meditation and breathing exercises are great ways to train your body to live in relaxation mode, and making time for the activities that fulfill you will only amplify your feeling of wholeness.
3. Exercise Often
Exercise never fails to be the perfect medicine for all of life’s ailments. Regular exercise strengthens your brainpower by stimulating growth, safeguarding against mental disease, and reducing the negative effects of stress.
As with any other type of change, the best way to incorporate regular exercise into daily life is to make small, sustainable changes. Whether it’s running, swimming, dance, or some other form of exercise–choose an activity you love and finding the motivation to exercise often will be a breeze.
4. Make Sleep a #1 Priority
When the clock is ticking away and we’re still trying to tick off everything on our to-do lists, it’s easy to forget how important it is to get a solid night’s sleep every night.
Eat right, exercise, and manage your stress all you want–but if you’re not getting enough sleep to allow your body time to adjust and heal, it’ll all be for naught.
Your brain thrives on sleep. It uses this break from consciousness to help you sort out the previous day by organizing memories, making gut decisions, and clearing out toxins.
Even from just these four tips it’s easy to see how incredibly connected all aspects of good health are. It all boils down to taking care of your body, mind, and soul. Combine caring for your body and nourishing your mind and you’ll have the winning combination you need to improve your overall brain health.
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