guest post is by Mai Cao, a blogger with many years of experience on searching
the best natural home remedies for skin or hair care
and health issues.
osteitis or dry socket is a painful dental issue. Dry socket pains begin about
2-4 days after your tooth is extracted. Dry socket symptoms include throbbing
pain near and in the socket, bad breath, mild fever, foul taste in the mouth
and swollen lymph nodes. In severe
cases, the pain can radiate to other areas of the face – head, eyes and ears.
You can use pain medications and antibiotics to treat the dry socket. You can
also use home remedies to eliminate the radiating pain, bad breath and
inflammation related to dry socket. To know what they are, continue reading
this article.
1. Tea Tree Oil Remedy
tree oil comes with the potent antiseptic agents, which helps to soothe
discomfort and pain related to dry socket. Along with that, it boosts the
healing process of the socket. Here is how to relieve dry socket with this oil:
- Tea tree essential oil – 1 or 2 drops
- 1
cotton swab
a cotton swab and immerse it in some water to moisten it. Then, put the
prepared oil on it and slightly press the swab on the affected area. Wait for
five minutes and rinse it off using lukewarm water. Try this remedy twice or
thrice every day.

2. Black Tea Bags For Dry
tea bags have the ability to decrease the pain caused due to a dry socket. It
consists of the tannic acid that works as a natural antibiotic that helps to eliminate
swelling and pain. Here’s the method:
- Tea
bag – 1
- Hot
water – 1 cup
first step is immersing the tea bag in the hot water. The next step is removing
and squeezing out the excess water after five minutes. Then, put this tea bag
in your refrigerator for fifteen minutes and keep it aside to cool down.
Thereafter, take the cold tea bag and place it on the dry socket. Wait for five to ten minutes and rinse your
mouth with the tea. Repeat as needed.
3. Garlic Remedy
is beneficial for decreasing pain in the teeth and gum due to a dry socket
since it is a natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory. Along with that, it has
the ability to decrease the chance of an infection. Try the process below:
Method 1:
- Fresh
garlic clove – 1
- Warm
the fresh garlic clove and place it in your mouth. Later crush it by your
teeth. The pain will subside slowly when the garlic juice spreads inside your
mouth. Follow the treatment 2-3 times daily.
Method 2:
- Fresh
garlic cloves – 2
- A
little salt
Crush the garlic cloves and
salt with a mortar and pestle to make a paste. Apply this
resulting paste to your extraction site for half an hour and afterward, remove
it using lukewarm water. You should repeat as needed to soothe pain.
4. Turmeric For Sleep
Apnea Treatment
is a well known ingredient in skin care regimes. In addition, it can soothe the
pain caused due to a dry socket since it is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic
herb. Apart from that, this herb boosts the healing process.
Method 1:
- Turmeric
powder – ½ tsp
- Some
milk or water
- 1
cotton swab
Create a paste by mixing the
turmeric powder with some milk or water. Apply on your affected area with the
cotton swab. After the duration of 20 minutes, you rinse your mouth by using
lukewarm water. For quick results, follow this treatment 2-3 times daily.
Method 2:
- Turmeric
powder – 1 tsp
- Lukewarm
water – 1 glass
Firstly, mix together the above
ingredients. Then, rinse your mouth with this solution several times every day
until the pain is removed.
5. Using Apple Cider
composes of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, which prevent
infection effectively after tooth extraction. Below are two methods to treat a
dry socket with ACV:
Method 1:
- Raw,
unfiltered ACV
- Water
first, mix the ACV and water in equal parts. Then, use this mixture as a mouth
rinse twice to thrice each day.
Method 2:
Take a cotton ball and dip it
in the mixture prepared above. Later place it on your problem area and hold it
there for the duration of ten minutes. Afterward, follow the method twice
6. Peppermint Remedy
peppermint extract is used commonly in different kinds of oral care products
including mouthwash, toothpastes, etc. Its menthol contains mild anesthetic effects
that deal with the sensation of pain. Along with that, its refreshing aroma
helps to reduce the bad breath well and makes the breath more fragrant.
- Pure
peppermint oil
- 1
cotton swab
Take the cotton swab and
immerse it in water. Then, dip in the pure peppermint oil and after that, place
the wet cotton swab in your dry socket. Rinse your mouth after 10 minutes with
water. This simple remedy can be used twice daily for 2-3 days.

7. Aloe Vera For Sleep
vera contains its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects,
all of which are helpful for reducing inflammation, pain and swelling of the
jaw bone. Furthermore, this plant heals the wounds and lowers the risk of
infection because it is a natural antiseptic.
- Aloe
vera leaf - 1
- 1
cotton swab
Extract the gel from an aloe
vera leaf with the help of a spoon. Then, collect the gel in 1 glass bowl and
directly apply it over your dry socket with the cotton swab. Repeat as needed
for two to three days.
8. Using Clove Oil
oil reduces the throbbing pain thanks to its anesthetic and analgesic
abilities. Know here how to relieve a dry socket with clove oil:
- Clove
- 1
small cotton swab
first step is dipping the cotton swab in the clove oil. The next step is
placing the swab in your affected regions for one minute. Then, remove the swab
and use warm water to rinse your mouth. Follow this method several times daily.
9. Cold Compress
cold compress is generally a tried-and-tested treatment that can alleviate pain
well. Particularly, the cold temperature contains a numbing impact on the
nerves, which soothes pain. The method is:
- Cold
- 1
thin towel
the thin towel and dip it in cold water. Then, remove the excess water and
place this cold towel on the affected area. Keep it there for the duration of 15
minutes. You should repeat 4-5 times daily for 2 days.
10. Neem For Sleep Apnea
comes with a number of healing effects. Because of its antifungal and
antibacterial abilities, neem can decrease the risk of bacterial infection
caused due to food particles. Apart from that, it is effective at reducing pain
and swelling owing to its anti-inflammatory properties.
- Several
fresh neem leaves
- Water
- A mortar and pestle
the neem leaves with water at first and crush them in the mortar and pestle to get
a paste. Start applying this paste on your problem area and leave it on. It is
advised to reapply this remedy twice a day for several days.

11. Saline Water Rinse
to a study published in 2014 in the International Journal of Oral &
Maxillofacial Surgery, saline mouth rinses are effective in preventing alveolar
osteitis after tooth extractions. This remedy will help to reduce swelling and
pain and prevent any infection altogether.
- Table salt – ½ tsp
- Warm water – 1 glass
mix the table salt in the warm water. Later stir it well and rinse your mouth
with this resultant solution. For best results, follow this method two to
thrice daily.
12. Chamomile Remedy
popular herb comprises multiple soothing ingredients which combat inflammation
of the gums, relieve bad breath and reduce pain and swelling. Additionally, it
tranquilizes the throbbing pain since it functions as a sedative.
- Dried chamomile leaves – 1 tbsp
- Water – 1 cup
the water at first and add the dried chamomile leaves to this boiling water.
Then, cover the container and allow the leaves to steep for ten minutes. Thereafter,
strain the tea and consume it twice daily for a couple of days.
most cases, the problem of dry socket caused after dental extraction get well naturally
with home remedies and OTC pain medicines. But if the condition doesn’t respond
to OTC medicines or natural remedies, consult a doctor immediately.
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